A simple, latching toggle. The button numer is the one you set in your matrix setup.
void toggle(int row, int col)
For a switch on row 3 column 5 -> toggle(3,5);
1 button number
The toggle switch will give a short button pulse upon moving from on->off or from off->on position. When standing still in on or off position, no button is pressed.
void toggleP(int row, int col)
For a switch on row 3 column 5 -> toggleP(3,5);
1 button number
Toggle switch with two modes:
0: Latching toggle
1: Pulse toggle
Uses the button field.
void toggleM(int row, int col, int fieldPlacement)
For a switch on row 3 column 5 -> pushButtonM(3,5,4);
Here the field placement is set to 4. So you'll find the mode of this switch in the 4th bit of the button field. Corresponding SimHub property is [DahlDesign.DDCB4].
modButton() if you want to change modes freely. modButton() not needed to change modes across presets.