Have a look at this page for info on the preset system.
There are fuctions that can be used to change preset. Not included here is SW1PresetRotary(), which has a seperate page.
Standard incremental encoder setup. Rotating CW will give a button pulse, rotating CCW will give a button pulse with a button number 1 value higher.
Added function is the ability to change presets. If holding the modButton(), rotating this switch will more to a higher/lower preset.
void preset2Bit(int row, int column, bool reverse)
For an encoder with pins A and B to columns 3 and 4. Common pin to row 2:
preset2Bit(2, 3, false);
The button numbers used is determined by the number written in the block for the A pin. B pin block will not be read. If button number was set to 15, the switch will use buttons 15 and 16. The reverse part of the function will switch the button numbers if set to true.
2 button numbers
modButton() to be able to change presets
Standard incremental encoder setup. Rotating CW will give a button pulse, rotating CCW will give a button pulse with a button number 1 value higher.
Added function is the ability to change presets. If holding the modButton(), rotating this switch will more to a higher/lower preset.
void E18Preset(int row, int column, bool reverse)
For an encoder with pins A and B to columns 3 and 4. Common pin to row 2:
E18Preset(2, 3, false);
The button numbers used is determined by the number written in the block for the A pin. B pin block will not be read. If button number was set to 15, the switch will use buttons 15 and 16. The reverse part of the function will switch the button numbers if set to true.
2 button numbers
modButton() to be able to change presets
Standard incremental encoder setup. Rotating CW will give a button pulse, rotating CCW will give a button pulse with a button number 1 value higher.
Added function is the ability to change presets. If holding the modButton(), rotating this switch will more to a higher/lower preset.
void PEC11Preset(int row, int column, bool reverse)
For an encoder with pins A and B to columns 3 and 4. Common pin to row 2:
PEC11Preset(2, 3, false);
The button numbers used is determined by the number written in the block for the A pin. B pin block will not be read. If button number was set to 15, the switch will use buttons 15 and 16. The reverse part of the function will switch the button numbers if set to true.
2 button numbers
modButton() to be able to change presets
Standard incremental encoder setup. Rotating CW will give a button pulse, rotating CCW will give a button pulse with a button number 1 value higher.
Added function is the ability to change presets. If holding the modButton(), rotating this switch will more to a higher/lower preset.
void funkyPreset(int row, int Acol, int Bcol, bool reverse)
For an encoder with pins A and B to columns 3 and 4. Common pin to row 2:
funkyPreset(2, 3, 4, false);
The button numbers used is determined by the number written in the block for the A pin. B pin block will not be read. If button number was set to 15, the switch will use buttons 15 and 16. The reverse part of the function will switch the button numbers if set to true.
2 button numbers
modButton() to be able to change presets
A simple, momentary push button that goes to next preset when hit. Does not produce a button number press.
void presetNext(int row, int col)
For a switch on row 3 column 5 -> presetNext(3,5);
A simple, momentary push button that goes to prevous preset when hit. Does not produce a button number press.
void presetPrevious(int row, int col)
For a switch on row 3 column 5 -> presetPrevious(3,5);