RGB LED control

These functions control LED brightness.


Standard incremental encoder in the rotary2bit category. Rotating CW will give a button pulse, rotating CCW will give a button pulse with a button number 1 value higher.

Holding the modButton will make this encoder adjust the LED brightness level up and down by increments of 2%.


Standard incremental encoder in the funkyRotary category. Rotating CW will give a button pulse, rotating CCW will give a button pulse with a button number 1 value higher.

Holding the modButton will make this encoder adjust the LED brightness level up and down by increments of 2%.


Standard incremental encoder in the PEC11 category. Rotating CW will give a button pulse, rotating CCW will give a button pulse with a button number 1 value higher.

Holding the modButton will make this encoder adjust the LED brightness level up and down by increments of 2%.


Standard incremental encoder in the rotaryPulse category. Rotating CW will give a button pulse, rotating CCW will give a button pulse with a button number 1 value higher.

Holding the modButton will make this encoder adjust the LED brightness level up and down by increments of 2%.


12 - position switch. Absolute.

Produces no button presses, but the position of the switch is still detected by the firmware and can be used for conditional coding or rotaryInject. The switch works like a volume knob for your LEDs, and you can adjust how big impact is has on the brightness.


12 - position switch. Absolute.

Works similar to rotaryAnalogSimple(), but with the added feature of setting the LED brightness if rotating this switch while the modButton is held. Adjustments with increments of 2%.

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