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The Dahl Design CB1 board is an all-in-one microcontroller board designed for simple to complex projects. It is extremely compact with all its features, is flexible in layout and connectivity, and has build-in support for DDC to make it easy to set up.
All design files are free to use and abuse. You'll order your own CB1 through the PCB editor using the steps in this manual.
RP2040 microcontroller processor.
Up to 64 digital pins
21 directly from the RP2040
32 from 2 x PCA9555 port expanders
8 from 2 x ADS1115 external ACD which can be used as digital inputs
3 additional pins available from the RP2040 if you deactivate some other features
Up to 12 analog pins
4 x 16-bit inputs (oversampled from 12 bit) from the onboard RP2040 ADC with a stable voltage reference.
8 x 16-bit inputs from 2 x ADS1115 external ADC ICs with adjustable refresh rates and gain.
Additional 2 USB inputs for screens or other controllers, using a high quality MTT hub IC to ensure the best performance of USB screens.
Onboard voltage converter to allow inputs of 5-17 volts up to 3 A to drive screens and LEDs.
LED connector for 5V and a level-shifted data line.
Super stable 3.2V voltage supply for analog sensors, essentially immune to voltage drop.
EEPROM IC to store preset choice, as well as bite point, LED brightness and more settings for every preset. This will not be cleared on power-down. You'll get back your settings as they were when you power back up.
All wire holes with 2.54 mm spacing to use pin headers or 2.5-2.54 mm connectors.
Micro-USB plug for programming as well as wire holes/connector for a rigid connection for the final controller assembly.
4 x M2 mounting holes
Miniature size: 58.4 mm x 41.1 mm, fits inside standard 70 mm QR bolt pattern.
All components has been chosen with quality and availability in mind.
All hardware features are pre-programmed in DDC, making the coding part for CB1 simpler than other microcontroller boards.
The full schematics are available through the project page on OSHWLabs. You can copy these schematics to make your own version of this board. Also, a CB1 device is available in EasyEDA. With this you can add the board as an add-on to your main PCB for buttons, LEDs and switches: