
ThrottleHold utilized a secondary throttle input to control the cars throttle. ThrottleHold can be turned on/off to hold the throttle at a certain %. The purpose:

  • Give your foot a brake on long straights or in oval racing where 100% throttle application is held for most of the race.

  • Set to just under 100% it can help you get a steady and reproducable fuel save on long straights.

ThrottleHold is set up as a button+encoder complex. The encoder will adjust the throttle hold value when throttle hold is active. When throttle hold is inactive the encoder will work as a regular encoder with two button numbers for pulses on CW and CCW rotation. When brake magic is active, it will change that value instead.

This feature was designed for the SW1 steering wheel, so the functions so far only supports a few encoder categories. Others can be added on request.


Use a toggle switch to turn throttleHold on/off. Paired with an encoder of the rotary2Bit category. Button will not produce any button number. Encoder will need two button numbers which are active when neither brake magic or throttle hold is activated.

The amount of throttle application given can be read from the controllers throttle axis. Throttle hold on/off defaults to button field 6 for SimHub communication. It is returned as property [DahlDesign.DDCthrottleHoldActive].

Throttle hold % is defined by the variable throttleHoldValue found in 41_Presets.ino. It defaults to all presets with 1000, which is 100%.

The rotary encoder will adjust the throttle hold % when throttle hold is active.


Use a momentary switch to toggle throttleHold on/off. Paired with an encoder of the rotary2Bit category. Button will not produce any button number. Encoder will need two button numbers which are active when neither brake magic or throttle hold is activated.

The amount of throttle application given can be read from the controllers throttle axis. Throttle hold on/off defaults to button field 6 for SimHub communication. It is returned as property [DahlDesign.DDCthrottleHoldActive].

Throttle hold % is defined by the variable throttleHoldValue found in 41_Presets.ino. It defaults to all presets with 1000, which is 100%.

The rotary encoder will adjust the throttle hold % when throttle hold is active.


Similar to throttleHoldT, but uses an encoder in the funkyRotary category. This is the function used in the SW1 steering wheel, which uses a rotary encoder with a latching switch included.

Button will not produce any button number. Encoder will need two button numbers which are active when neither brake magic or throttle hold is activated.

The amount of throttle application given can be read from the controllers throttle axis. Throttle hold on/off defaults to button field 6 for SimHub communication. It is returned as property [DahlDesign.DDCthrottleHoldActive].

Throttle hold % is defined by the variable throttleHoldValue found in 41_Presets.ino. It defaults to all presets with 1000, which is 100%.

The rotary encoder will adjust the throttle hold % when throttle hold is active.


Allows you to use a latching toggle/button to turn on/off throttle hold, that is all it does. To adjust the throttle hold value, use a encoder function such as PEC11Throttle, E18Throttle, funkyRotaryThrottle, etc.

Throttle hold % is defined by the variable throttleHoldValue found in 41_Presets.ino. It defaults to all presets with 1000, which is 100%.


Allows you to use a momentary toggle/button to turn on/off throttle hold, that is all it does. To adjust the throttle hold value, use a encoder function such as PEC11Throttle, E18Throttle, funkyRotaryThrottle, etc.

Throttle hold % is defined by the variable throttleHoldValue found in 41_Presets.ino. It defaults to all presets with 1000, which is 100%.

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